Values-Driven Narrative Building

Stories have power. The stories we tell about ourselves, our organizations, our causes, and our society are among our most effective tools to move people to action. But in a time of rampant political manipulation, it’s all too easy for overwhelmed advocates and organizers to unintentionally spread messages that undermine our values and goals instead of reinforcing them.

It takes awareness, intention and practice to ensure our narrative-building efforts serve the public good. With the right communications habits, we can save time, energy, and resources — and advance our causes while dispelling deceptive information. In this 90-minute training, you’ll learn:

  • Key principles of values-driven narrative building

  • Common communications and messaging pitfalls to avoid (and how to correct them!)

  • How to align our framing, metaphors, and storytelling with our values and campaign objectives

  • How to leverage values-driven narrative building to inoculate audiences against deception and demoralization.